Saturday, March 28, 2009

Renewable Energy at Findhorn Ecovillage

At the Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland, most homes are equipped with solar panels for hot water heating. They also use wood as a primary source of heating homes. Over the years Findhorn Ecovillage has bought 4 wind turbines, which have a total capacity of 750 kW. Unfortunately, all of these renewable forms of energy only amount to 28% of electrical needs of the community, while the remaining 72% coming from fossil fuels. In the years to come they hope to increase the percentage of electricity coming from renewable sources. To learn more about Findhorn's Renewable Energy System click here.

28% of electricity generated from renewable forms of energy does not sound like a lot, especially when you think of the 72% of electricity coming from fossil fuels. But when you compare it to an average household, it is a great success. Typically, households in the developed world receive most, if not all, of their energy needs from fossil fuels. When a community strives to generate as much renewable energy as possible with a limited amount of funds, just as Findhorn does, then you can see that 28% is an achievement.

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